the importance of optometry exams

Signs You Have Cataracts And Need Cataracts Surgery

If you have cataracts and need cataract surgery, your eye doctor will recommend surgery. This is why it's important to regularly go to the eye doctor for checkups even if your vision appears to be working just fine. You never know when you have cataracts that can impair your vision.

Cataracts are basically protein deposits on the eye that can cause cloudy vision. Cataracts can happen to anyone and is a common eye issue due to aging. Some lifestyle factors come into play when it comes to cataracts, such as heavy sun exposure without sunglasses, having certain medical conditions, or being a tobacco user, mainly a smoker.

If you have cataracts, your best bet is to speak to your eye doctor about getting cataract surgery. This is a common surgery for people to improve their vision and you may be referred to an eye surgeon to have the procedure done.

Here are signs you have cataracts and need cataract surgery.

You have blurry vision 

Cataracts will cause you to have blurry vision over time. Your eyes will start to get a milky film over them that will cause your vision to change in several ways. You may see double when you look around, or things may start to look less bright and more like a black and white film. Or, you may see things clearly but the edges may appear like they are double-lined.

Since poor vision can lead to the inability to drive and focus or can cause headaches, muscle strain, and other issues, see your eye doctor if you have any vision changes right away. Any vision changes can be cause for alarm.

You have cloudy spots on your eyes

You can see cataracts, which can happen in one or both eyes. Over time, cataracts will go from being kind of light and cloudy to being very cloudy and affecting not just how you see things, but how your eyes actually look. You can have surgery to repair the issue and make your eyes healthy and more youthful looking again.

When you get your surgery done, your eye doctor will recommend you wear sunglasses when you go outside and take care of your eyes so you can prevent the formation of new cataracts. Since cataracts can be a sign of regular aging, there is no real cure for them, however, you can slow their formation by taking great care of your vision and continually getting eye checkups so you can stay on top of your eye care needs.
